Repeat Prescriptions Request Times
Over the last number of years are we delighted to be a position to say that our patient numbers have increased significantly. Due to this, alot of you may have noticed, that our staff numbers have also increased. It is a fantastic position to be in and we are extremely grateful to each and every one of you, both old, new and returning patients. We would like to continue to offer a good customer experience so we are looking for your help to do so. Going forward we are asking our patients to give us ample time to prepare their repeat prescriptions. There are a number of reasons we are asking this and these are just a few of the reasons below:
- Stock availability: We want to make sure we have your items in stock and avoid you needing to make a return trip.
- GP Queries: From time to time we need to ask the GP a question about your medication. As they are quite busy seeing patients throughout the day, we do not always get an answer immediately.
- Time to prepare: For larger scripts and blister pack scripts these can take a significant amount of time to prepare and like that, query with GPs if needed.
The time frames we are asking people to give are as follows:
Blister packs: 48-72 hours
Repeat Prescriptions: 24 hours
Click and Collect: 24 Hours
We appreciate your help with this and it is you the patient who will reap the benefits, with less time to wait & fewer return trips.
Rosslare Pharmacy News and Information
Here in the pharmacy in Rosslare we want to make things simple and easy with as little hassle to our patients and potential patients as possible. In light of this we have a few articles below that may be of interest to both our current patients and potential patients alike.
All the information you need if you have come away on a little break without your medication or if you simply want to make Rosslare Pharmacy your current pharmacy, along with many more helpful topics. Happy reading!!
Have you forgotten your medication?
If you have come to Rosslare without your regular medication have a read of our article Forgetting your Medication.
Transferring to Rosslare Pharmacy
If you wish to transfer to us to get your regular medication take a look at our article Transferring your Medication to see what steps you can take to do this with minimal hassle.
Getting in Touch
We have a number of different ways you can reach out. Have a read of our article Contacting the pharmacy.
Forgotten Your Medication

Have you come away without your medication?
You come down to Rosslare for a little break, be it for the whole summer, a week or just a few days and it hits you…. You have come away without your medication. Panic sets in and you start to worry you will not be able to get the medication that you need. Well don’t worry. This happens on a regular basis and we are equipt to help you. There are a few things you can do prior to getting in touch with us to make it even easier.
Contact your pharmacy:
If you have a valid prescription in your pharmacy give them a call and tell them you have forgotten your medication and that you will need to get an emergency supply while you are away. You can then give them our healthmail email address ,, so they can forward it on to us. Once they are happy to email on your prescription if you want to you can give us a call on 053-9173414 and give us your contact details. We will then contact you once the prescription has come through.
Have your prescription with you:
If you happen to have a copy of your prescription with you then thats even better. Just drop up to the pharmacy and hand in your prescription and let us know what items you need from it.
Contact your GP:
If the item you require is medication that you do not always take, you should give your GP a call and ask them to send on a prescription to the healthmail email address listed above.
Transfer Your Prescription

Wanting to move your prescription to Rosslare Pharmacy?
Well it couldn’t be any easier! We will make things as simple as we possibly can for you, but here are a few things you can do to get the ball rolling.
Get a copy of your current prescription!
If you have a valid prescription in your current pharmacy, ask them for a print out of it. You can then simply bring it along to us. It might be an idea to bring it in a few days early just in case there are items on it that we maybe don’t normally have in stock. This will give us a chance to order medication in and ensure we have everything that you need.
Contact your GP!
If you do not have a valid ( dated within the last 6 months and not fully used ) prescription give your GP a call to renew your prescription. Depending on their own processes they may require you to collect it in person and some may be willing to email it to us using the secure Healthmail system ( see below).
Healthmail is a secure email system that is used between Hospitals, Pharmacies and GP’s to securely send on prescriptions. If your current pharmacy has a prescription belong to you on their system that is still valid, they can forward that on to us. Make sure to let your GP know that going forward you want any future emails send on to Rosslare Pharmacy. Our Healthmail email address is :
As we said above we will try to make this a seamless transition for all involved. Giving plenty of notice is always going to be a huge help. Why not give us a call if you want us to discuss any details with you on 053-9173414 or 087-3981989
Getting in Touch
From Monday 28th February it is no longer mandatory to wear face coverings in social settings. It is however advised to wear them on public transport and in healthcare settings , such as a pharmacy. As covid 19 is still with us we would still advise the following just to continue to keep us all safe and well.
- Continue to socially distance in the shop (give people room to move about)
- Sanitise your hands – you can find hand sanitizer when you enter and beside the consultation room.
- Try not to wait in the pharmacy for your prescription – have a little walk around the village or we can take your phone number and call you when its ready
- Below are a number of ways to order your prescription that will help us carry out work in a timely manner
Healthmail is a secure email system that is used by Pharmacys, Hospitals and Medical Centres. If you are visiting the area and have come without your medication, contact either your regular pharmacy or your GP and ask them to forward on a copy of your prescription. Our healthmail address is This will enable us to give you the medication you need alot quicker.
Reserve and Collect
We are continuing to offer our Reserve and Collect service for prescription medication. All you have to do is fill out our online form which can be found here with all the relevant details. You can specify which items you want to order or simply just order everything. You can let us know what day you wish to collect it in the ” comments” section or we can contact you once it is ready . If you have a new prescription you can also take a photo on your phone ( for those who are tech savvy ) and attach it to the form so that we have the up to date version.
WhatsApp or Text
We will continue to be contactable through WhatsApp / Text message. For those of you who do not use the internet much we can take orders for prescriptions through Text and WhatsApp on 0873981989. This mobile phone is in use only during normal opening ours Monday – Saturday 9am – 6pm. Any correspondence sent outside these hours will be taken care of the next day the pharmacy is open.
We also appreciate it is not just prescription medications that people need or want. You can also let us know through any of these mediums if there are other items you need from the pharmacy. We can contact you back to arrange payment either over the phone or through PayPal, what ever is convenient for you. This is all to make life easier for you, our customers.
Viagra Connect®

Viagra Connect®
What is Viagra Connect®?
Viagra Connect® is a treatment used for Erectile Dysfunction (ED). It contains 50mg of sildenafil. It is now available to patients, over 18 years, directly from a pharmacy without the need for a doctor’s prescription.
How does Viagra Connect® Work?
It is quickly absorbed in to the body – it takes 30–60 minutes to work. Do not take more than 1 tablet a day.If you take it with a meal that has a lot of fat in it, like chips and a burger, your body will take longer to absorb Viagra Connect®.
What if you want to buy Viagra Connect® in the pharmacy?
Before you can buy a supply of Viagra Connect® a consultation with the pharmacist is required. This will be carried out in our private consultation room.
We can fully appreciate that some men may be uncomfortable in requesting treatment for ED . We want to make it as easy as possible for you.
- You can ask to speak to the pharmacist when you visit the store and you only need to tell them why you are there.
- Do not be worried about the questions you will be asked – we need to ask about any current medication and health conditions to ensure Viagra Connect® is a safe and appropriate treatment for you.
- When you get Viagra Connect® you will be given a repeat supply slip. If you bring this in with you the next time you need to make a purchase, the pharmacist doesn’t need to ask all of the same questions again. They will verify that nothing has changed since your last purchase before making the supply.
- The pharmacist will advise you to get a health check-up with your GP within 6 months of first receiving Viagra Connect®. This will be to check for any underlying medical problems that can sometimes be associated with erectile dysfunction.
Cost of Viagra Connect®?
- A pack of 4x 50mg tablets will cost €25
- A pack of 8x 50mg tablets will cost €45
Repeat Supply Slip
If you have already gone through the consultation process in another pharmacy make sure to bring the repeat supply slip with you. That way the pharmacist will not need to carry out the consultation process again. This slip can be handed to a member of staff at the counter or you can ask for the pharmacist and give it to them.
To help save you time and for the process to be more discreeet you can purchase Viagra Connect® HERE through our website. Before completing the purchase you will be asked to answer the consultation questions online. You can then collect instore or have the product shipped to you.