Forgotten Your Medication

Have you come away without your medication?
You come down to Rosslare for a little break, be it for the whole summer, a week or just a few days and it hits you…. You have come away without your medication. Panic sets in and you start to worry you will not be able to get the medication that you need. Well don’t worry. This happens on a regular basis and we are equipt to help you. There are a few things you can do prior to getting in touch with us to make it even easier.
Contact your pharmacy:
If you have a valid prescription in your pharmacy give them a call and tell them you have forgotten your medication and that you will need to get an emergency supply while you are away. You can then give them our healthmail email address ,, so they can forward it on to us. Once they are happy to email on your prescription if you want to you can give us a call on 053-9173414 and give us your contact details. We will then contact you once the prescription has come through.
Have your prescription with you:
If you happen to have a copy of your prescription with you then thats even better. Just drop up to the pharmacy and hand in your prescription and let us know what items you need from it.
Contact your GP:
If the item you require is medication that you do not always take, you should give your GP a call and ask them to send on a prescription to the healthmail email address listed above.
Transfer Your Prescription

Wanting to move your prescription to Rosslare Pharmacy?
Well it couldn’t be any easier! We will make things as simple as we possibly can for you, but here are a few things you can do to get the ball rolling.
Get a copy of your current prescription!
If you have a valid prescription in your current pharmacy, ask them for a print out of it. You can then simply bring it along to us. It might be an idea to bring it in a few days early just in case there are items on it that we maybe don’t normally have in stock. This will give us a chance to order medication in and ensure we have everything that you need.
Contact your GP!
If you do not have a valid ( dated within the last 6 months and not fully used ) prescription give your GP a call to renew your prescription. Depending on their own processes they may require you to collect it in person and some may be willing to email it to us using the secure Healthmail system ( see below).
Healthmail is a secure email system that is used between Hospitals, Pharmacies and GP’s to securely send on prescriptions. If your current pharmacy has a prescription belong to you on their system that is still valid, they can forward that on to us. Make sure to let your GP know that going forward you want any future emails send on to Rosslare Pharmacy. Our Healthmail email address is :
As we said above we will try to make this a seamless transition for all involved. Giving plenty of notice is always going to be a huge help. Why not give us a call if you want us to discuss any details with you on 053-9173414 or 087-3981989